The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.

Saturday, 14 May 2011

true friendship...

 UNEXPECTED  When I really wanted a lovely friend;
Whom I never had them,in my days,
So I went in search of a true friend.
I was in the darken days;without, Knowing any “ways”…all alone,
Without sharing any of my “says”
In a gloomy thoughts of sinked stay.
now ,Though I knew the means of friend,
Ho! I never got a lovely friend,even
After my serious search; with a drop of tears,
I left my hopes & laid for a while…
And kept all my search aside.
Suddenly ;saw a flash of light,which
Made all my darkness away..!
I heard a your sound in my heart always,
Which made me float in cheerful days,
I woke up with a smiling face;
Where you were these many days!
Just brightened up my ways in funny days…
Now,I would like to “keep in touch” with you ever;
 With a kind request to forget me never!
Come lets make more magical memories forever!
Which makes our heart treasurable for ever & ever!
   written by:Sowmya written on: 28th dec,2010


  1. Life without friends ain't any fun. Beautiful poem on friendship ..

  2. thanks aakash, actually i wrote this to one of my friend! :) who helped me to start this blog :)


speak from your heart; be a part of my memories...